Wednesday, July 18

Handstand Gang

Handstand Gang in today - Seb, Frank B and Bob. All three showing improvements.

Dynamic Duo in to perform the WOD of the day first. Frank did an amazing 8 rounds with flawless technique and great range of motion, always working hard and performing to his optimum, but the stand out of the two was Liz with the heaviest db push press by a female ever at GarageGYM...12.kkg. And for 8 rounds of the WOD. Well done Liz. Super impressive. Really! (8 rounds each a piece)

Jen in and hanging for a hard work out so that is exactly what she got. A few variations on the WOD to suit her progress and it was a tough one. Lunges, Deadlifts, Sit Ups and Pull Ups. Super session Jen. You're already getting back into the grove of things and your technique is just as good as when you had a break. See you Saturday.

Seb and Mary in and I almost went blind when Seb took his shirt off to reveal a massive, chiseled physique. A great effort on the handstands and a huge improvement in deadlift technique - nice and safe. But again, the females stole the show with Mary lifting a massive 7kg for her push press which is about double from when she first arrived only some months ago. That's a 100% increase in performance. Go Mary.
(Seb also got a big score of 12 for the daily WOD and Mary 6)

Gulnaz and Matty in, again a variation on the WOD, but just as intense. Gulnaz was feeling todays session after yeterdays hard one and is looking foward to her break...which is still two session away. Hang in there G, your doing great. Well done on your improvements Matty - explosive push ups and great ahnds with the mits.

Bob finshed the day and finished strong as always. slight assistance with the handstand push ups but just as difficult. A 50kg deadlift and full pull ups. He scored a 9 round for the 20 minutes which put him in second place for the day. Great Bob. It might be cold, but GarageGYM is always open.

See you all tomorrow. Thanks for the brutal workouts.

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