Thursday, July 19

You just never know when you need your fitness

Us trainers always espouse the benefits of being healthy and at optimum performance. For most people this is too far fetched, they just want to be 'well'. Our arguments: you never know when you are faced with a situation when being extraordinarily fit will be the only option for survival.

For instance, a client had a child run in front of her car recently and she knows, due to her on-going training at garagegym she was able to react with lightning speed to avoid certain catastrophe. It may not be this drastic, it may be as simple as keeping up with the kids. Or it could be worse, you may be involved in an accident, or diagnosed with a terrible illness, and already being active and healthy will obviously boost your chances of recovery or survival by ten fold. Or even, like today, when i was called onto the set of neighbours as an extra, and our scene involved being in our speedos, and there, for all of the world, my body was exposed for what it is. Of course, as I am fit and active and do my best to be in the best shape my body can be in, i was proud and ready to reveal it - now this could have been a catastrophe had I not been prepared with constant training that garagegym offers. What we do here is a total body fitness which allows us to be ready for danger, when it appears, or simply just look and feel our best on a day to day basis. Sometimes the results are obvious, as when our increased reaction time saves a child's life, or they may not as obvious, as when faced with an emotional hurdle, and we have the self-belief and conviction to overcome it, as we know we can, because we have overcome the pain, difficulty and challenge of continually working out on a day to day, week by week, year by year basis. I know you all know all this otherwise you wouldn't be able to put up with the the intensity that you do at garagegym. But it is always nice to hear it again. So go out there, challenge yourself, and enjoy it, because you never know when it may help you, and that day may never come, but just in case it does, we will all be ready and waiting, as we have done all we can to be better people, both physically and mentally.

Today saw Sid and Ginette in the morning followed by Robert and daughter Sonia in the evening. It was, as it always is, an intense and 100% effort by all. All scoring well with more than 6 rounds on the daily WOD and all lifting as heavy weights as possible. It was a goods days workouts, and the set of Neighbours wasn't bad either, talking to regular folk like Lou Carpenter, Glen Robbins and few other young stars I'm not up to date with.

Enjoy your workouts, and keep up the intensity. It will get you far!

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