Friday, August 17

Another fiery day at the Garage

What wonderful competition and results we are all achieving.

Anne in for her last session before her big ski trip so we took it moderately so she wouldn't be sore for the slopes this weekend. A bit on the rower, some intervals and the wall ball challenge, of course, which she did in under four minutes, a three minute improvement on her old score - with a heavy medicine ball. Have fun Anne, you've trained hard and you will be rewarded with many fun days on the slopes out doing all your peers.

Mel W in straight after and no holiday for her. Hard work again after Wednesdays big session which she was still feeling the remnants from. Wallball challenge, and yes, she also scored under 3 minutes for the wallball - with a four kilogram ball. Wow, absolutely great! We followed this up with tabata push ups, 50 sit ups and back extensions, 5o thrusters, and a good solid 1000m row. All in all, another great performance from mel who is going from strength to strength.

Sid in for her second one of the week. Again the challenge was put to her and she scored under 4 minutes. To note: under four minutes is a great time, under three is incredible. All of you achieved either one of these. Looks like the Garage is working! Sid did a variation of the WOD, doing heavy lunges instead of thrusters, tabata skipping, sit ups. Good work Sid. Moving along nicely.

Ginette, Guinea Pig Ginette today. She sampled a new interval I am playing with: 15 reps of a heavy weight exercise followed by 30 seconds rest, repeated for a total of 5 rounds. And boy did it hurt. A few extra seconds rest to keep her form, what a gut busting effort. But that wasn't all, tabata row for 8 rounds in between this exercise and the next, same interval pattern, different exercise - 40kg squats. A herculean effort from ginette saw her over the line. Thanks for toughing it out Ginette. Today was my pleasure.

Belinda and Paul in, both sore from Wednesday's workout, Paul a lot more so. He didn't tell me they were leaving for the slopes also this weekend - I could have taken it easy!!! They did do the smart thing and trained this evening to help dissipate the soreness to a degree by exercising (moderately) which got blood to the sore muscles (and as we all know, it is the blood which carries all the goodness around our bodies) and will speed up their recovery. Belinda did a cariation of Ginette's monster session, combined with tabata skipping and sit ups, and Paul rowed his soreness away mixed in with some push press and squat rounds. Enjoy the snow - we will all be thinking off you.

"I'll see tomorrow's members for another end to a smashing week"

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