Wednesday, May 9

Yesterday's WOD results

Yesterday's WOD:

Thrusters 100
Jumping Pull Up 100
Push Ups 100
Sit Ups 100

for time:

Only afternoon sessions today, but, Mr Tommy Neim will be taking Tuesday day's from next week as the member list at GarageGYM is growing and the need for extra session times has arisen. As we are a personal one and two-on-one studio, places are limited so once the maximum capacity membership has been reached we will unfortunately have to restrict new member intake.

Frank and Josephine P were in first up and completed the WOD in 21:06 and 22:07 respectively. Both are progressing well. They both had a shot at their 500m rowing PB's but at the end of an intense workout, they were already fatigued. They both did well to equal their best times though.

Gulnaz was in and is looking tighter and leaner every session. Although she took a bit longer on the WOD (28:55) she has improved from 5 full push ups on one round of the warm up to ten full push ups on all of the warm up rounds, in such a short time. Well done Gulnaz.

And finally, Bob was in, ever so strong, and completed the WOD in 18:23. Excellent Bob.

Thank You all for your support over the past twelve months. It has been a great journey and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you all in achieving a greater state of health. A special note to Jennie who has been here from the beginning - one of our foundation members; keep up the tough work Jennie, it has been a pleasure watching you challenge yourself and grow every week, not only physically but also spiritually. I always look foward to our sessions and I too have grown and become a better person through your presence. Thank You.

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