Wednesday, August 8

He's back

Above: great overhead squat technique - arms locked out and behind head, lower back nice and straight, bum out & knees behind toes, heels on floor and hips drop below knees in bottom position

Looks like things run just fine wothout - I could get used to having all this time off!!!

Coach Tommy started the day off and had a few session (Mel W, Liz & Frank, Belinda & Mel, and Jen i think) and Im sure they were devastating workouts. From the feedback he hasn't relented once - good work Coach Tommy, take no prisoners.

I kicked off the day with Kim on her third session in. We did the WOD at a moderate pace(well it was meant to be, but Kim just kept on going!) The WOD of squats, step ups, one arm db lunges, and 200m row was performed. Kim managed a strong 3.5 rounds in the twenty minutes allocated. She also worked up a high heart rate and a few beads of sweat. Excellent work Kim.

It was great to see Margaret and Josephine again and both looking trim. Because it had been a while since I had seen them, I gave them a tough...very tough session of deadlifts, pull ups and burpees. And Josephine had a big weight for the deadlifts - 40kg, while Margaret did 17.5kg one arm db deadlifts. Great techniqu throughout Margaret, you have come along way since first starting here several months ago. If you had the opportunity - you would woop your old self's bum, literally. And Josephine- it was a tough weight you had to lift, but you did it, as you always do. Thank you for working out so hard. It makes my job so much more pleasant. I look forward to Frank's return also.

Seb in alone, and in the best shape of his life. I increased the previous WOD to a mammoth 30-21-15-9 reps of deadlifts, pull ups and burpees. A really monstrous amount of work, and pushed Seb hard - of course he managed, but that is why he looks so good. Excellent session Seb. I thoroughly enjoyed it and your deadlift technique has come along wonderfully. Keep it up. Summer is around the corner.

Erin and Kelly back in for a smashing...literaly. It was a tough session with burpees, deadlifts and pull ups. Both kept up with each other(the benefit of two on one training) and they finished strong. Two very motivated and tough individuals - I look forward to some extremely tough sessions together. Good to have you both back girls.

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